Proofreading: spinner dolphin
The Grammar Bit!
By now you should be an expert in the art of proofreading! Remember, proofreading is an important stage in the writing process. It involves spotting and correcting any mistakes that you may have made in your writing.
With your talk partner, choose one of the scintillating sentences opposite and proofread it using the CUPS checklist below.
C = Have capital letters been used correctly?
U = Do sentences sound right? Will your reader understand what you are trying to say?
P = Are sentences correctly punctuated? (There are many forms of extra punctuation you can use in Year 6: commas, dashes, brackets, colons and semicolons – especially in lists.)
S = Are words spelt correctly? (Give extra thought to those from the year 5/6 word list and to any technical vocabulary.)
Scintillating Sentences
1) Researchers sugest that spinner dolphins spin for multiple reasons to shake off parasites to comunicate their location to show dominance to frighten away predators and possibly just for fun.
2) Spinner dolphins who get their name from the way they freekwently leap from the water and spin rapidly before landing with a splash are relatively small for the dolphin family, only reaching lengths of approximately seven feet.
3) After feeding on small fish, squid and shrimp throughout most of the night in their open ocean habitat the spinner dolphins returned to the shallows during the day to rest and soshalise.

Did you know?
Known for their playful behaviour, dolphins are highly intelligent creatures. They are as smart as apes, and the evolution of their larger brains is surprisingly similar to how the human brain has evolved.