Précising: sage grouse
Whiteboard Challenges
Challenge 1
Remove any unnecessary information from the first passage to write a summary of the key points.
Challenge 2
Write a précis of the second passage in your own words by removing any unnecessary information and including only the key points.
Challenge 3
Watch the clip again. Use some of the words on the Word Wall to write a précis of the information given in the video. The original narration had about 170 words. Can you use just 50-60 in your precis?
Whiteboard Challenges
1) Adult sage grouse have long, pointed tails and legs with feathers to the toes. The adult male has a yellow patch over each eye, is greyish on top with a white breast and has a dark brown throat and a black belly.
2) Sage grouse make their nests in a depression in the ground that is lined with grass. The nest is usually under a bush or other cover to protect it from predators. A week after mating, the female lays six to nine eggs in the nest. The female incubates the eggs and cares for the chicks, who hatch in about three weeks. The little chicks feed on insects for the first few weeks but soon move on to eat grasses, weeds and sagebrush.