dictionary skills: warthog

1 - Learning Objective

Learning Objective

We are learning how to use the first three or four letters of a word to check its meaning and spelling in a dictionary.

Context: warthog


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Credit: BBC One - Spy in the Wild

Clip Description

Although warthogs are from the same family as domestic pigs, these intriguing African mammals have a very different appearance. Warthogs get their name from the ‘warts’ that cover their large, flat heads. The ‘warts’ are in fact bony bumps that give them protection when fighting. Being omnivorous, they will dig up bulbs and roots to eat. However, given the opportunity, they will also scavenge meat. Whilst they are mainly bald, they do have a thicker mane on their backs and some sparse hair across their bodies.

In this fascinating clip, a robotic ‘spy hog’ has been introduced to a gang of warthogs in the hope that the film crew can capture unique footage of this charismatic animal. Incredibly, we see how the gang has struck up an incredible relationship with banded mongoose, who groom the pigs in return for a tasty meal of ticks and fleas. Whilst ‘spy hog’ may have been accepted by the warthogs, will he be able to convince the mongooses that he should receive a grooming? Watch the clip to find out.

Word Challenge

After watching the clip, look at Year 5/6 Word List.

Circle the words that could relate to the warthogs such as their appearance, their habitat or their behaviour.