Bullet points: king penguin
Whiteboard Challenges
Challenge 1
Turn the first list sentence into bullet points with a single introductory statement that ends with a colon.
Challenge 2
Turn the second list sentence into bullet points. Don’t forget to introduce your bullet points with a single introductory statement that ends with a colon.
Challenge 3
Using some of the words from the Word Wall, use bullet points to present some information about king penguins (or penguins in general). Remember to end your introductory statement with a colon and be consistent with the way you present your bullet points.
Whiteboard Challenges
1) King penguins face a numbers of predators including leopard seals, giant petrels, snowy sheathbills and killer whales.
2) King penguins stay with their young for the first 14 months of their lives, they feed them with fish from their own stomachs and they take it in turns to incubate them from the cold.