Using a thesaurus: brown hyena
The Grammar Bit!
A thesaurus is a special type of dictionary that is full of synonyms. Using a thesaurus regularly will help broaden your vocabulary and avoid repetition in your writing.
Read the first pair of sentences opposite (1A & 1B). When do you think the thesaurus was used? Could these words be replaced with different synonyms?
With your talk partner, read the second and third pairs of sentences (2A & 2B, 3A & 3B). When do you think the thesaurus was used this time? Could these words be replaced with different synonyms?
Scintillating Sentences
1A) As Mark adjusted the height of his tripod, the bold jackal snatched the camera case.
1B) As Mark adjusted the height of his tripod, the fearless jackal seized the camera case.
2A) The brown hyena could not find its prey because it was blinded by the ferocious sandstorm.
2B) The brown hyena could not locate its prey because it was blinded by the savage sandstorm.
3A) Searching for food, the solitary brown hyena trekked for many miles across the barren wilderness.
3B) Searching for food, the solitary brown hyena journeyed for many miles across the empty wilderness.

Did you hear about the hyena who drank a pint of gravy?
He was a laughing stock!