Subordinating conjunctions: emperor penguin
The Grammar Bit!
Read the three sentences opposite. They all begin with a subordinating conjunction (underlined).
A subordinating conjunction is a special type of “gluey” word that can be used at the start or in the middle of a sentence to connect a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main clause. Unlike the main clause, notice how the subordinate clause (bold) cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.
With your talk partner, take turns saying each sentence with the main clause at the beginning and the subordinate clause at the end. (You may need to change the wording slightly.)
Scintillating Sentences
1) Although it would be difficult to keep the egg balanced on his feet, the emperor penguin needed to move away from the exposed, outermost circle of the huddle.
2) Because emperor penguins can hold their breath for over twenty minutes underwater, they can exploit food that other birds cannot reach.
3) Even though he lost nearly 40% of his body weight, the selfless emperor penguin survived the harsh winter months.

“I’m sure I recognise that emperor… it’s Julius Freezer!”