Possessive apostrophes: chimpanzee
The Grammar Bit!
Read the three sentences opposite. They each contain a possessive apostrophe. Possessive apostrophes are used to show that someone or something belongs to someone or something else.
Notice that when something belongs to a singular noun (describing a single thing), an apostrophe is added and this is followed by an s e.g. mother’s rock and nut’s tough outer casing.
Notice that when something belongs to a plural noun (describing two or more things), simply add an apostrophe after the existing s e.g. chimps’ fingers and lumberjacks’ chainsaws.
Exceptions to this include pluralised nouns that don’t end in s. e.g. men’s, children’s and women’s.
Scintillating Sentences
1) The wise mother’s rock shattered the nut’s tough outer casing.
2) “Those chimps’ fingers are so human-like,” whispered Dr Goodall as she watched the two primates smash open several nuts with their large angular stones.
3) The sounds of the lumberjacks’ chainsaws created panic and confusion amongst the chimp community.

Did You Know…?
Chimpanzees fart loudly and often. Scientists have been known to track and locate chimps by listening out for their bottom belches!