Parenthesis: giraffe-necked weevil
Clip Description
The giraffe-necked weevil can only be found on the island of Madagascar. It derives its name from an extended neck, much like that of a giraffe.
In this fascinating clip, two males use their long necks to fight each other. The winner will gain the right to mate with a female. Later in the clip, the female weevil (with her considerably shorter neck) shows off her incredible construction skills by carefully folding, curling and biting notches into a leaf. What is the purpose of this strange behaviour? Watch the film clip to find out.
Word Challenge
Can you can list some adjectives that describe the giraffe-necked weevils featured in the clip? Try to include some compound adjectives.(A compound adjective is made up of two or more words joined by a hyphen.)
e.g. long-necked, blood-red, alien-like,…