Commas to clarify meaning: humpback whale
The Grammar Bit!
The correct placement of a comma within a sentence is very important. Incorrect placement can lead to confusion (ambiguity) for the reader.
Read sentence 1A. Note where the comma is placed, and discuss the meaning behind the sentence. Sentence 1B is worded exactly the same, but it has the comma removed. How has this changed the meaning of the sentence?
The two other sentences are written and rewritten in a similar way. This time, it is the position of the comma that has changed. How does this alter the meaning of each sentence?
Scintillating Sentences
1A) The female humpback, said the diver, was at least fifteen metres long.
1B) The female humpback said the diver was at least fifteen metres long.
2A) Humpback whales are affected by noise pollution, ship strikes and entanglement in fishing nets.
2B) Humpback whales are affected by noise, pollution, ship strikes and entanglement in fishing nets.
3A) When they saw the humpback’s enormous fluked tail on the horizon, the divers got their underwater cameras ready.
3B) When they saw the humpback’s enormous fluked tail, on the horizon, the divers got their underwater cameras ready.

“OK team, let’s go in for the Krill!”